Holy Trinity, Rothwell

A place for everyone

   Church Floodlighting Sponsorship

Most people in the Parish of Rothwell will have noticed that the Church of the Holy Trinity is floodlit every evening of the year from dusk until midnight. With its 10 floodlights, the building is lit on all four sides and provides a first class spectacle for all to see. It would be very regrettable if this floodlighting was unable to continue.

Everyone is able to assist in its future by helping to provide for the cost of electricity used, regular maintenance and replacement of the lights when needed. Current supporters earmark an evening in memory of loved ones or special occasions and it would be most pleasing if more feel able to join, irrespective whether they are in the Parish or not.

The cost per evening of £2.00 is probably the most competitive there is for this type of service and it has been mentioned many times that viewing the floodlighting on the evening in question by the person concerned, provides a very welcome memory. Alternatively, if a gift is preferred and the Gift Aid Scheme is used in both cases, then the amount given is increased by 25% provided the donors are tax payers. Nice to get something back from the Chancellor !!!

For any information whatsoever,
please ring Brenda Austin on 01536 710258.