Our Church Services
Each Sunday at Holy Trinity we have a Parish Communion service at 10.45am, with the exception of the 3rd Sunday of the month, when we have a more informal all age worship with our All Together Service.
We would love for you to stay for tea, coffee and a chat after each service.
All donations from this go towards our Charity of the Month.
Please find below details of the next upcoming Services at Holy Trinity.
Sunday 9th February 10.45am Holy Communion
Thursday 13th February 10am Morning Prayer
Sunday 16th February 10.45am All Together Service
Thursday 20th February 10am Holy Communion
Sunday 23rd February 10.45am Parish Communion
Thursday 27th February 10am Holy Communion
'Official Holy Trinity Rothwell Northants'
For information on wedding and baptism services, please visit our Weddings and Baptisms page